Flowers for the Holiday

Dictionary of Departure, Group Exhibition (2021)
48 Shalma road, Tel Aviv

Flowers for the Holiday 
Site-specific sound installation: mixed media, variable dimensions

           “From a round loudspeaker, embedded in a locked door, echoes the voice of Benny, a well-known figure, who wanders the streets of Tel Aviv to sell his flowers and sings his motto: "flowers for the holiday". The room is almost completely empty: electrical wires dangle to the floor, the air conditioners have been pulled out. An old flyer with the title "Rooms" is hanging on the wall, hints the building's past as a furniture workshop. Implied notes to the song "The Most Beautiful Girl at Kindergarten" together with the image of a vase in the flyer evoke a longing for a non-existent home nostalgia.” [text by Keren Goldberg]

︎︎︎ Video documentation
